Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Music for the Assignment #1

I haven't decided which genre of music to take in on Thursday and I don't know if my taste will be to my partners liking but I decided it might be a good idea to right them out so that all my classmates can steal them HA. The first genre would be techno a very abstract form of music often having other things mixed into the track, a good match for a ever changing screen of color and darkness. Then there is something like rock alternative some maybe on the lines of System of a Down who have many songs that change directions and tempos multiple times in the song. Then there is experimental music that has the characteristic of ambient noise that is jumbled and abstract even more then techno. Then you could go a little more native with something like tribal chanting. I'm sure I can find something interesting.

He who's name escapes me

As I was looking through the syllabus I looked at week 3 and saw that we are being introduced to stop-motion animation. That reminded me of a film class at Missouri state I took which we learned a little bit on the subject of animation and although his name of the man escapes me, but he was one of the first people to use stop-motion animation in the way we're familiar with today. His subjects were rather interesting. He would used dead bugs as his subjects and often had elaborate stories involving them; such as the story of Mr. & Mrs. Cockroach. The story starts with Mr. Cockroach leaving the house to have an affair with Ms. Butterfly. after their night of passion Mr. cockroach headed home only to find Mrs. Cockroach having an affair Mr. centipede if i remember right. So Mrs. Cockroach begs for forgiveness and finally after some fighting Mr. Cockroach accepts and decide to take Mrs. Cockroach to the movies. Unfortunately the film features a steaming love scene staring Mr. Cockroach and Ms. Butterfly.

The first blog

Let me first say that I don’t intend to write my blogs so late in the week and in one large chunk it tires me out and drives me nuts. At least this cloud has a silver lining though; as I got to see some of my classmates blogs and saw some pretty interesting info I was not aware about. As I read in Jason’s blog about Stan Brackhage other films that involved him gluing things to the film. I was only aware of his films of painting and scathing so I might have to look up his film with the bugs and leaves.
I do think that Brackhage’s work is definitely visually stimulating but I will disagree with his theory on sound I for one believe that for a film to be engaging. It should try to bring stimulation to the sense of hearing as much as sight.